Two URO Titles, 2 x UKC Total Dogs and a lot of swimming!
As much as I love summer, seems this year it flew by while I am dealing with all sort of emergencies and complications! And one of them...

Zastava's 10th Anniversary BRT Picnic
Please, join us and have a wonderful time at our annual Zastava BRT Picnic to enjoy good company, BBQ and fun with our favorite dogs!...

Award of Excellence at AKC National Championship Show!
At 2016 AKC/ Royal Canin National Championship Show in Orlando, Florida -one of most prestige USA dog show of the year, the show with the...

Our Glasha's first litter !
Our warmest greeting and congratulations to our dear friends Leo and Lena Merman who owns Milana's daughter Glasha ( AKC CH Zastava...

Gish earned IABCA Int.CH. Title!
November 19-20 been really busy for Gish and his owner Brad, who this time also was a handler! They went to the IABCA ( International...

BRTCA Annual Awards for Zastava's BRTs
BRTCA Nationals, the biggest event for BRT community this year was located in Arizona and unfortunately for our kennel it was too far...

2017 BRT Calendar by Zastava Kennel
BRT Calendars became one special thing our kennel does for Black Russian Terrier Rescue of America and National Breed Club. We design...

Two new articles added to our Articles Page
Two new articles previously published in the last BRTCA Newsletter 2016 Fall issue now available on our Articles Page too. One of them “...

Gish is winning UKC BISS and R.BISS!!!
Our Gish ( ) with his owner Brad went to the two UKC BRT Specialty Shows organized by BRTE Club on Saturday, September 17 in McHenry, IL....

Danika is getting her second leg toward AKC RAE
We went to the rally trials last Sunday (unfortunately had to work on Saturday) and Danika got her second leg toward AKC RAE. It was 10...