Black Russian Terriers Zastava Kennel ,Liberitvile, Illinoise, USA

Save The Sisters!
The sisters shown here will turn only one year old in July of 2020 - they are still puppies . But already, in less than 365 days they have been through so many rounds of unimaginable hell- cruelty, injuries, pain, hunger, fear, poisoning - you name it .
But still, their little hearts are full of love and trust and we are trying to help them and hope you will join us - we need your help!

The story begins in Krasnodar , Russia , in the last July when they were born under the sky above. At the opening near the last bus stop, where the buses stayed overnight .
Nobody knows where their mother came from, but one morning she was there with her litter of newborns ...
People from nearby houses came and together made them a little dog house where the babies were living since .One of those people was a good friend of my youth , Svetlana L.
Same people, together with bus drivers, were feeding them and babies were growing . At some point almost everyone went to the homes and only two little girls: the red one- Linda and the chestnut one-Kashtana (means a chestnut in Russian ) - our sisters were left alone when they both got Parvo . Any dogs owner knows how deadly disease is , especially for pups .
Again, Svetlana with the help of good hearts gathered the money and took care of them.Unfortunately, with all Svetlana’s love she could not keep the girls- living with her very old parents and 4 cats in a small apartment. But she became their guardian angel.

The sisters survived Parvo and in a few months they were sterilized. One day, the day before the girls turned 6 month old, something unimaginable happened - when the girls didn’t come to eat ,Svetlana checked on them and found girls in their little dog house literally dying. Some unspeakable sadist sliced the girls with a knife .Nobody knows what it took for Linda with an open rib cage and sticking out organs to drag her little body through the dirt under the rain, but she made it “home”.She was found together with Kashtana who was covering her with her own body.
Kashtana’s legs were covered with many knife wounds , most likely she was trying to protect her sister. As much as a 6 month old little dog can…

But, thank God they were found and again, thank God Svetlana and her friends found a doctor who agreed to perform a surgery. Nobody knew if Linda would survive through the operation. She did.She also survived following sepsis.
Svetlana took her in for two months for recovery , as much as the living situation was inconvenient - Linda was a very good girl and even learned to go on the pee pad .
When Linda started to feel better there was a hope for a happy end for her - a young women took her in and promised a good inside life for her… Only it turned into another nightmare for Linda , the woman dropped her off at the house of her mother and this person ( my tongue is not turning to call her by words mother ) tied Linda outside . With her bare chest which did not got even a coat after the surgery she was laying outside in winter at -20 C ( -4 F) and simply starving to death…

This is a different story how Svetlana got the word about it and how she and her daughter Yana drove to that remote area in a situation of strict COVID 19 quarantine which prohibits any traveling. They brought Linda back.
Meanwhile, Kashtana was completely lost without her sister and literally didn’t move . All this time she was laying in their little dogs house and waited through every minute of their separation..
You would think that they had enough already, but hell no. After the recovery and returning to the little dog house, The Administration decided that they did not need those dogs living there and to get rid of them. Simply - the sisters were given food with poison.
They took it openhearted as always and next thing we know two limp little bodies are under the IVs.
That was the breaking point for my friend, who carried them with her hands to the doctors. That was the point when she found me and cried out for help. This is the point when the sister’s story broke my heart and became a personal case for me.

And here I am a breeder of purebred dogs for 30 years, who never asked publicly for any financial help, here I am , asking it . For them. For two little mutts , who have endured an immeasurable suffering…
The girls bounced back another time thanks for all the given care.The pictures you can see are taken just last weekend . Here are the sisters - Linda and Kashtana who are ready to give their whole existence and love to a human who will call them their…
We cannot separate them, they are together from the first breath and in all these turmoils of their lives there was only one constant thing for them - a sister.
Kashtana is very dependent on her sister, who is a leader of a tiny pack, she will be completely lost without Linda and , God knows, they don’t need any more trauma in their lives.
So we are looking for a home for two young, mid-size girls, who are going in one package.
A real home, not a little dog house where anyone can hurt them.
A real home with toys, with little cozy beds and with good food and treats, with play and long walks, with cuddles and hugs and most importantly with love and care.
I feel very bad that I cannot take them in. I am afraid that my own BRT girls, large, guardy and territorial will not accept the sisters and will hurt them. The least I can do- I am helping to organize their transportation to North America and to find them a good home.
The girls been measured ( since we need to know a size and weight for a traveling crate)
Linda is 50 cm (20 “) in her withers and 64cm (25”) to the tip of her ears , she weighs 15 kg (33lbs) and her sister Kashtana is 53cm (21”) tall in withers and 68 cm * 26,5”) to the tip of her ears, she weights 19 kg ( 41lbs).

We all go through these difficult and scary times.But may be despite the times, or even may be exactly because of these times we should stay humans and help God’s creatures, too.
We will not get benefits we will not get profits, but we will know that together we are capable of miracles and that two little hearts will have love and a happy life. Because we all got together and helped!
I know first hand how the crisis hits us all- I am not an essential worker and lost my income.
But every few dollars which don’t make a big difference for us is a help for Linda and Kashtana .
Their Pay Pal account is lindakashtana@gmail.com.
We need about $2500 to get them from Russia to North America .
We will report every bill and our spendings.
If there will be leftovers they will be spent on their healthcare.
If you cannot help with money, please spread the word.We need to find a home for the girls .
Please , help to make a miracle .
God bless you for your help!
This is the final report on the “SAVE THE SISTERS" international rescue operation!
I have been dreaming of writing this post since mid-June, way back when we started a fundraising effort to help two poor little dogs from Russia — two sisters, Linda and Kashtana, who suffered through unspeakable cruelty at the hands of humans. They were saved by my friend Svetlana in Krasnodar, Russia. She cried for help when there was no hope left for them. We found them a new home in Canada and gathered money for transportation. It was a lot of work, but I could not even remotely imagine how drastically the situation with pet transportation will change due to the world pandemic restrictions and embargoes...
The first roadblock was the flight here, and simple pet travel embargo. Then it was the summer heat, and temperature embargo that, when finally it was lifted, meant the possibility of transportation was barely alive and next to impossible. I lost count how many people tried to help and how many plans fell apart... I cannot say how much time I spent on the phone - I pretty much can write a novel “the phone: how I spent this summer“ LOL
But miracles do happen. And our little personal miracle for sisters Linda and Kashtana finally happened too!
Their transcontinental travel was difficult and had few rough stages, but I am so super happy to share with all of you that THE SISTERS HAVE ARRIVED at their new home !
One more time, on behalf of these two little mixed breed dogs,
I want to thank all the people who helped and made it happen:
My old friend Svetlana, who saved them; my new friend Valeria who did impeccable work on shipping the girls to USA; my dear friend Alla, who received them, worked with USA customs, and gave the girls a foster home for two weeks, and then transported them to Canadian border; and of course to their new owner Eric, who was a big part of that difficult operation and never gave up on his new dogs !
And of course HUGE thanks to my friends from many countries ( North America, Europe, Africa) and to the North American BRT community, whose donation made all of this possible !
We helped two sisters, who were born on the street, and led them to a home, to care, and to big love!
God bless you all for your help!