Milana is #3 in Top Ten for 2015 AKC Rally Combined Scores Ratings
Every year " Front & Finish" magazine makes 10 ten breed ratings in various AKC sports and this is an official result for AKC .The Front...

AKC Show. Danika's 2 x Best of Breed!
This weekend didn't started as expected. Danika was entered into 2 AKC Rally Obedience working trials ( 4 classes altogether) to start...

Zastava Kennel at 2016 BRTCA Temperament Test Certification by ATTS
14 Black Russian Terrier from 6 states ( IL,WI,MN,MI,IA,MO) participated in the official Temperament Test Certification by ATTS judges...

AKC Show. Yushka is winning Best of Breed and a major toward her AKC CH Title!
AKC Show in Grayslake, IL . Our congratulations to Gloria and Jerry on Yushka's (IABCA Int.CH, UKC CH Zastava Full Moon Over Chicago, AKC...

Zastava's BRT Grooming Seminar.
We were glad to greet all the spectators and participants of 12 th Annual Zastava's BRT Grooming Seminar in Illinois! We are very...

AKC Obedience Trials. Gish is finishing AKC CD Title!
Our congratulations to Brad and Gish (AKC, UKC CH Zastava Gallant Gish, AKC CGC, AKC BN, CD) on their wonderful results in AKC Obedience...

AKC Shows. Two new Champions in Zastava!
So happy for our Gish and Glasha - babies of our Milana and Leo’s Teddy! They went to Franklin, TN this weekend – the show cluster with...